What most fail to understand is that we have a good thing going on. Sometimes we come close to lose it, or at least it feels that way. In those occasions we are left with the impression that the good thing going on stopped going on, and we had to rescue this glorious ball of light and energy from the dark abyss it slipped through by harnessing the power of after-brunch phone banking and carefully curated wardrobe choices that conveyed a strong message: a good thing was happening and we want them to keep going on. But the fact is that the good thing going on never stopped going on, and the efforts we described here are only part of the process the good thing enacts as it goes on.
There are two types of scum who want the good thing to not only actually stop, but crash and burn. One of them is the bunch who doesn’t get it. They think a good thing was happening for them before and is not happening anymore. Their good thing is different from ours. But the fact is that their good thing is no more because it has never been. Their supposed good thing is an abstraction, and a bad one at it: a misconception. Ours is the real deal, a good deal, a good thing, that is going on.
Its’ easy to tell who those persons are, not only because they want the good thing going on to stop. They don’t look at all like us. They don’t speak like us. They don’t dress like us. They don’t smell like us. They could, though. With some serious showering and shaving, then a shopping spree in our boutiques of choice. Then they’d look exactly like our alabaster-skinned brethren. They’d still need to not say anything. Just enjoy the good thing going on quietly, like the meekest of us do - or at least the ones who feign meekness to ensure their constance in our luminous community.
And then you have the second group of weirdos who have problems with the good thing going on. The ones that even after a shower, a shave and a shopping spree often still don’t look like us., even though they insolently circulate in the same spaces as we do and breath the same type of air as we do. Those often speak like us, and a few speak our language so well that we elevated them to role-models for the others of their kind who are not so articulated. They say that some of our picks as role-models are something called “tokens”. They say the “tokens” kicked the ladder we allowed them to climb after they reached the top. They say the “tokens” are dishonest. They say that about us too.
We don’t like to be called dishonest. It’s even worse than when our unwashed similar call us snowflakes or cucks. We just want the good thing that is going on to keep going on. We are in the right side of the story. All of our actions are above reproach. Some of us do work for missile makers, Mars colony concentration camps and baby roasting joints. We need money to keep a good thing going on. We are doing our best, and we actually are not in the right neurologic state to have that discussion and it’s actually ableist and disrespectful to bring it on.
The thing about a good thing going on is that, sometimes, only a good thing can go on. Our non-unwashed critics denounce us for not juggling many good things at the same time. We are doers, not jugglers, and we are considerate and rational enough to think, foremost, that all the balls falling on the ground is an evil, whereas one going on is good. One good thing going on from left to right to left to right to left to right hand. Safely and steadily in our hands and no one else’s who didn’t went through the dramatic rituals and procedurals to sell themselves as the type of harmless little ball of kindness we see ourselves reflected on. Only then they, too, can assisting in keeping a good thing going on too, as now true-and-tried members of our community.
We keep the ball rolling. We have been doing so for millennia. The good thing started going on when we fenced a patch of land and called it ours for the very first time and is going on as our boots landed on yet another planet that we will make good and homely for the good and comely of ours. The good thing going on is ongoing. The good thing going on can’t be stopped. This is why we call allow them to whisper what we want to shout in our beautiful voices that only convey hope and optimism. You can’t stop the good thing going on, and if you try or even seem to attempt put a grain of doubt in the purity of our ever-moving enthusiasm, you will be crushed like the cockroach you are. The good thing must be going on no matter what.